Wednesday 22 February 2012

9/11 The Lost Tapes

9/11 The Lost Tapes is an expository documentary revealing to the British audiences newly released audio recordings offering a unique insight and moving perspective on 9/11 and the fateful minutes that changed America forever.
The documentary begins with an establishing shot of the twin towers before the tragic incident, this then cuts to a long shot of New York including a flying plane, a voice over is also present to introduce it. Right after this archive footage of real recordings of the twin towers burning is shown. Non diagetic sound of panicked people talking is heard on top of this as the camera jumps from different shots of people on phones, large satellite dishes etc. Reconstructed footage of services answering phones is shown along with the non diagetic sound of scared people again. There is a mid shot of a man talking to the camera which is then cut to shots of fighter planes. After this there is a shot of another man but a close up which shows more emotion, during this non diagetic powerful on edge music is played when the shot changes to the twin towers falling the the ground this music fades out. Much of the rest of the documentary consists of mid shots and close ups of interviews, a voice over to explain goings on, reconstructions and real audio from the devastating day the world trade center was destroyed. In my opinion this documentary is more suited to older people, but it is extremely interesting and informative.

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