Thursday 23 February 2012

Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents  is a fly on the wall documentary aired on BBC3. It follows teenagers going on their first holiday abroad under the belief that they are getting away from their parents but they are yet to find out that their parents are actually going to the same destination and watching footage of them partying and spying on them throughout the whole duration of their holiday.

I watched an episode from series 1 on iPlayer, this episode was based in Kavos focusing on two main girls in the group Beckie and Chelsea. The programme begins by showing random clips of other episodes showing the nightlife and how hectic it can be on a teenage holiday. A voice over is present through this and introduces the programme. The main girls are then introduced by cutting to short clips of them talking to the camera which then cuts back to shots of the nightlife. I noticed a slow motion editing technique was inserted just as the parents were introduced by the voice over along with a sheriff/cowboy type non diagetic sound, indicating that they are in charge and had control. They also uncluded a split screen effect to enable the audience to see what the teens and parents are doing at the same time. The voice over is present through out the whole programme and introduces the girls in more detail, mid shots of the girls talking to the camera before they have left for Kavos along with shots of them with their parents at home allow the audience to get to know the girls and parents more and see what their relationship is like. After this there are mid shots of the parents speaking to the camera, text appears at the bottom stating their name and whose parent they are to make it clear to viewers. The voice over then introduces the rest of the group and names are shown at the bottom of the screen again so the audience does not get confused. When they arrive to Kavos and enter their hotel room non diagetic sound of party music is played which helps to set the scene. Throughout the documentary mainly jump cuts are used.

I personally believe this is an interesting documentary to watch for both teenagers and parents, the documentary is set out well and informs the audience of what is going on at all times which i think is good and would be good to incorporate into the documentary we decide to create.

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