Sunday 29 April 2012

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread that i created using Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Publisher.

Planning - Double Page Spread

 I started off with this first plan but came to the conclusion that it was too simple and did not resemble a real magazine, therefore i decided on my new design below.

Final Poster

I decided to use my second idea which only used an image of two of the main characters in the series, i believed this was better than including too many people as it is more simple and does not give much away but tells the audience that these are the main pupils focused on. I decided to have the image in front of the school lockers which shows viewers that the documentary is filmed within the school. I used dark lettering on a white background as channel 4 usually does this as it enables it to stand out. I also included the channel 4 sign in a bold red colour to make it easier to see.

Planning - Poster

Planning - Shooting Schedule

Planning - Scripts

Planning - Story Board

Documentary Ideas

Expositary Documentary - Drugs
To begin with we decided on developing an expositary documentary informing the audience of the affects of harmful drugs such as cocaine, we were going to use various techniques such as a  montages of images of previous celebrities who have been caught and affected badly by the drug. We were also going to create 'reconstructions' of bad situations people had got themselves in, in order to shock audiences showing them how harmful the drug can be followed by interviews. We researched statistics to make sure the documentary would be informative however we decided against the idea as we came up with a better more convenient documentary which could be filmed within school.

Final Idea - Teaching Teens - Fly on the wall documentary
Finally we decided to do 'Teaching Teens' we came to the conclusion that this was the best idea as we will able to use real teachers and real classrooms which will help us to make it seem more realistic, it would also be more convenient as we did not have to go somewhere else allowing us to use our media lessons efficiently to film during them, this would also make it easier for our actor Bradley Coe. Educating Essex was our inspiration for this.

Monday 23 April 2012


In order to make our documentary Teaching Teens we needed to have good communication as there was four of us in the group. Each of us owned an Apple Iphone or Android phone which enabled us to get in contact quickly and speak in group conversations, we did this by using an application called Whatsapp. The image on the right shows a screenshot of one of our group conversations arranging a time to film.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Teaching Teens - Theme Tune

For our documentary we decided on creating a theme tune which would be played at the beginning and end of each episode, we used FL Studio in order to do this. Click the link in order to listen to it. Teaching Teens Theme Tune


We set up this questionnaire to get the opinions of what our target audiences like to see in documentaries and if our documentary 'Teaching Teens' would interest them.

1. What is your favourite type of documentary?
Fly on the wall

2. Do you watch documentaries often?
Yes- Lots
Yes- Sometimes
Yes- Rarely
No- Never

3. What channel would you normally associate with documentaries that you like?
Channel 4

4. What is you favourite ever TV documentary?

5. What is your favourite TV documentary currently being shown? (N/A if none)

6. What do you look for in a documentary that you would watch?

7. Would you be interested in a fly on the wall documentary based in a secondary school?

8. What channel would you expect to see this documentary on?
Channel 4


In total we handed out 20 questionnaires, 10 to females and 10 to males. From the questionnaire, we concluded that our target audience are most interested in Fly on the wall and Reality type documentaries, usually shown on Channel 4. We used this information and decided that it would be appropriate to show the documentary we have produced on Channel 4. The type of documentary we decided to produce is fly on the wall but because we found our target audience also like reality documentaries we also tried to incorporate this into what we produced. Many participants said they enjoyed watching 'Educating Essex' so we thought it would be a good idea to produce a similar documentary to this because it seems that it is something that interests our target audience. We got a mixed response from an equal group of females and males, from all differant age ranges. We discovered that people of all ages and genders would be interested in a School based documentary, however more so females then males. We found this discovery very useful because we thought Teaching Teens would therefor satisfy everyone. 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Poster Research

As anticipated our documentary Teaching Teens to be aired on channel 4 i researched some channel 4  advertisement posters to see what they consisted of.

The poster on the left includes one dominant image, the image relates to the tag line but does not give much away, the only character in the image is turned away making it seem quite mysterious.The tagline is positioned at the top of the poster and is very large, they have used black coloured text over a white background enabling it to stand out. The title is at the bottom left of the image and is again black against white, underneath this, but slightly smaller says when the programme is on and at what time. They have also included a channel 4 sign along with their sponsor.

The poster below also consists of one main image including three of the characters, it is clear to see that the man in the middle is the main character  as he is positioned higher than the two in the foreground. The rest of the image conveys to the audience where and what the programme is going to be like, with the graffiti on the wall and stereo typical council estate flats, this gives the impression that the programme could be to do with crime. The title is positioned in the bottom left, the text is white against a black background making it stand out and easy to read. Just below slightly smaller states how long the drama is on for and the date and time which is also white against black. The channel four logo is also included along with the sponsor.

Poster Ideas

This poster advertising 'White Chapel' does not give much away at all. The shadow of of two men and one holding a gun shows the nature of the programme making it seem mysterious but potential viewers are unaware of the main characters or what they look like, this could have been done in order to tempt viewers into watching to find out what the show will entail.

The TV channel itv1 is displayed clearly along with the title, date and time. This poster also includes a tag line 'The Krays Return' making it more interesting. All of the lettering is white against the black background making it easy to see and read.

Although this is a good advertisement poster this type of image would not be suitable for our documentary Teaching Teens as the nature of the programme is completely different, it is not mysterious in any way.
Poster Ideas

This poster advertising 'The Event' is very simple yet effective, it shows all the main characters but emphasizes one man by placing him at the front which shows that this is an important, main person in the documentary. The fact that there is a bright light in the background makes it seem as though this documentary could be super natural. It includes the channel 4 sign clearly so potential viewers are aware where to watch it.
The title, time and day is bold, it is extremely simple but catches the eye as a dark colour is put over white.

The Undateables

The Undateables is a three-part British documentary series about people with disabilities attempting the find love. It is shown on Channel 4 and is narrated by Sally Phillips. The series focuses on a few main characters each episode who have signed up to a dating agency in order to find a partner.

Sally Philllips (Narrator) begins by introducing the show and explaining what it is about it, whilst showing all the people involved in the whole series to give the audience a better understanding of the programme, after this it follows only few characters. For example Episode 3 is focused on  24-year-old Hadyn who has Crouzon Syndrome  He has undergone 40 facial operations and is partially deaf. His twin brother and a dating agency hope to help Haydn find a girlfriend and Sam from Kent who has Down's Syndrome.The 27-year-old has appeared in The Inbetweeners and EastEnders and has a supportive family life, but feels there is something missing, a girl. It begins by filming Sam in his natural environment at home whilst asking him questions in order for the audience to get an insight into his personality. It then shows what he does from day to day, for example meeting up with friends, showing how he interacts with them. This is done mainly by using a series of shot reverse shots, over the shoulder shots and close ups. It then changes to Haydn, again showing him in his natural environment and using older images of him when he was younger to show the impact of what he has been through since a child and just what he could have looked like due to having a twin brother. 

Overall the documentary consists of very simple editing to make it seem more natural and not staged, i believe that they do this very well and after the programme i felt like i knew a lot about each person and why they may have not been so successful with dating.