Sunday 29 April 2012

Documentary Ideas

Expositary Documentary - Drugs
To begin with we decided on developing an expositary documentary informing the audience of the affects of harmful drugs such as cocaine, we were going to use various techniques such as a  montages of images of previous celebrities who have been caught and affected badly by the drug. We were also going to create 'reconstructions' of bad situations people had got themselves in, in order to shock audiences showing them how harmful the drug can be followed by interviews. We researched statistics to make sure the documentary would be informative however we decided against the idea as we came up with a better more convenient documentary which could be filmed within school.

Final Idea - Teaching Teens - Fly on the wall documentary
Finally we decided to do 'Teaching Teens' we came to the conclusion that this was the best idea as we will able to use real teachers and real classrooms which will help us to make it seem more realistic, it would also be more convenient as we did not have to go somewhere else allowing us to use our media lessons efficiently to film during them, this would also make it easier for our actor Bradley Coe. Educating Essex was our inspiration for this.

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