Tuesday 1 May 2012


  • In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • Our documentary 'Teaching Teens' was influenced by the fly on the wall documentary Educating Essex, we watched some episodes to find a series of still filler shots such as shots of display boards within the school, the school field and rain. We incorporated this within our documentary by including still shots such as pencils,paper and rain which helped to split scenes. The use of non diagetic sound of music is used quite often in educating especially at the beginning of each episode, we decided to do this also by creating our own theme tune on FL Studio which was played at the introduction and at the end just before the adverts. Other forms of non diagetic sound that we included was a clock ticking, and the sound of rain to make it more effective. We included diagetic sound of the school bell on top of this which was also done in Educating Essex, during this shot we included the hash tag '#TeachingTeens' Educating Essex also included this, it helps to get viewers more involved as social networking sites like twitter are a big part of peoples lives today in 2012.

We included interviews in our documentary to enable the characters being filmed to speak directly about events, it allows viewers to find out more information about what is going on, this is also the case in Educating Essex as i saw more and more interviews i felt like i got to know each person in more depth. We used mid shots to film each interview to show emotion. In Educating Essex they also included text at the bottom stating the individuals name, we also did this, however we decided to include the individuals occupation eg English teacher, year 11 student etc. We thought this would be good to include as it shows and reminds the audience of who each person is. 

    We used many simple editing techniques such as jump cuts which are also incorporated in Educating Essex this makes the documentary seem more realistic and not staged however we also used some techniques such as cross blur so the jump from one scene to another did not look too fast. The name Educating Essex uses alliteration we also decided to incorporate this into our name as it is catchy and memorable.
    Overall Teaching Teens very much uses and develops the forms and conventions of the real media product Educating Essex.

  • How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 
When making my poster i considered including many people from the series in the image, i then decided that having two of the main pupils involved in the series would be more effective as it shows the audience what characters are focused on within the main product; as the title of the documentary is Teaching Teens i decided it was best to include two teenage pupils rather than teachers. The way Shannon Stewart is standing wearing a hooded jumper with her hands in her pocket and the way Bradley Coe is scruffily dressed suggests to the audience that these students are likely to break the rules which may entice them to watch the main product to see how they do this. I decided to set the image in front of the school lockers which makes it obvious to potential viewers that Teaching Teens is filmed within a school. I made sure that the title Teaching Teens was big, to enable it to stand out, i also made the text black over a white background and did the same with the time and date of the documentary in order to make it eye catching, so people will be aware what the main product is called and when to watch it on television, i was inspired to do this from research i previously did on channel 4 advertisements. I added the channel 4 sign in a bold red colour to make it clear what channel the documentary will be shown on. I used Picaso in order to edit the dominant image, i decided to darken the edge of the photo in order to make people focus on Brad and Shannon straight away,  i also believe the darkness make its seem as though Brad and Shannon are bad students.

 I believe my poster is an effective combination with our main product as it advertises it well, it is simple but stands out which would help increase viewings.

When creating my double page spread i decided to use a large image of Brad as he is the main pupil within the documentary. I believe this is important so people are aware who they are reading about when reading the spread, i also included screen shots from teaching teens to enable readers to see what the documentary was like in action, i thought that this may entice them to watch it to see what was happening, for example the image of Brad and Mr Kernan clearly shows that they are having an argument which would make readers want to watch it to fulfill their curiosity. I made the title large in order to make it eye catching, the black text against white background also helps to do this. The font i chose was a 'school' one which resembles hand writing, i thought this fitted in well as it suggests to readers that the documentary is set in a school before actually reading the main text, the background being an open book also contributes to this. In the main text i explain what Teaching Teens is and where it is based, i introduce Brad straight away and explain the situation briefly; i believe this is more effective than giving too much away, if people are already aware of everything that will happen they will not be encouraged to watch the programme. At the end of the main text i also make a statement about hove parks disciplinary system and mention Shannon and Alex, i believed it was important to do this as Shannon Stewart is another main pupil focused on in Teaching Teens and she is included in my advertisement poster so mentioning her was important in order for the poster and double page to work well together. I included a quote from Brad's interview "Its not my fault my family can't afford anything." This may make readers see another side to Brad, make them feel sorry for him before watching the documentary and maybe understand what some deprived children go through at school and how it affects their behavior. I also included another quote which is said by the voice over at the beginning of the programme "School, you either love it or hate it." I think this could lead to readers to question why and encourage them to watch it or it could act as a slogan unique to Teaching Teens.
I added the date and time at the bottom of the page as i did with the title i made the text black over a white background this catches the eye so after people have read the main text they will see it straight away and be fully aware when to tune in, the channel 4 logo at the top makes it clear what channel Teaching Teens is on too. 

 Over all i believe that my double page spread works well with our main product as it encourages people to watch it and gives a clear but brief explanation of what Teaching Teens is about and what they have to expect.  

  • What have you learned from your audience feedback?

 To begin with we gave out  20 questionnaire 10 to females and 10 to males as we wanted to get fair feedback from both sexes. We asked various questions to see what kind of documentaries they preferred, fly on the wall documentaries seemed to be the most popular with both men and women. They mainly associated documentaries with channel 4 which motivated us to put ours on channel 4 too. Many people claimed they liked Educating Essex, this was good as we anticipated Teaching Teens to be very similar, we also found that many people would be interested in watching a documentary based in a secondary school although this was mostly by females. Overall a majority of our feedback was in favor of Teaching Teens so we were sure that making this our final media product was a good choice.

After this we showed our media class our final product and we seemed to get mainly positive feedback however we were told that our voice over did not sound professional and the sound was not perfectly clear. I believe this was because i personally did the voice over and we had not prepared a suitable person to do so before hand; if we were to do it again i believe using an adult, possibly someone who talks to people formally regularly such as a receptionist would make the documentary sound more like a genuine channel 4 programme. The quality of sound was not perfect regarding the voice over as we recorded the audio using the Apple Mac microphone located on the computer, the room the computers were situated in were very noisy as the schools main printers were located there, from this i have learnt that we should have recorded the audio using a genuine recording device such as a digital voice recorder as these are portable therefore would enable us to go to a more quiet appropriate place rather than being in a noisy room.

We then uploaded Teaching Teens onto YouTube. We gained 95 views and 13 'likes.' In order to ensure people would view our documentary on YouTube we used two social networking sites Twitter and Facebook to post the link to make it easily accessible to everyone we knew. We received some positive feedback on the social networking sites that you can see in the images on the right.

The feedback we got from YouTube was mainly positive with one person saying we has good camera work and another claiming that the hashtag that we had included made it look like a genuine documentary which we were very happy about. The last person to comment believed we had done a good job but gave us one criticism. They commented on the camera quality, we were disappointed with this. If we were to film it again i would suggest that we filmed interviews closer instead of cropping them on iMovie as this made the quality even worse, we also could attempt to find a setting with better lighting to solve this problem. However in my opinion  in order to get the best results we would need a new up to date video camera, the one we was provided with did not give a good picture and made some images seem grainy in particular lightings.

  • How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

When constructing our main product we needed to be able to communicate efficiently in order to arrange times to meet and film. We did this by using technologies such as smart phones which enabled us to download suitable applications in order to have group conversations, we chose to to use the application Whatsapp. We also used social networking sites such as Twitter to contact eachother. This enabled us to keep in touch with our actor Bradley Coe aswell.

When creating my ancillary tasks i used programmes such as Adobe Photo in order to cut Brad and miss goshe out i did this by using the Magnetic Lasso Tool. I mainly used Microsoft publisher when creating my double page spread as it allowed me to produce a two page spread and add text. In order to get my font for the title and quotes i used the internet to go onto www.dafont.com as i could not find a suitable one on publisher, i also used the internet to copy the channel 4 logo and to research previous channel 4 advertisements. YouTube and sites such as www.channel4.com/programmes/4od helped me when researching different types of documentaries which i wrote about on my blog. I also used a picture editing programme called Picaso which enabled me to edit my dominant image on my poster, I was able to change the position of the image by using the 'straighten' tool, i then edited the image by using the 'HDR-ish' tool which created a 'high dynamic range' look. Finally i used the Vignette tool which darkened the edges to put more focus on Brad and Shannon.

In order to film our documentary we were given one video recorder between the group, we also used a 12 mega pixel digital camera in order to take still images. We had the use of iMovie on an Apple Mac which helped us a lot as the software enabled us to upload our individual clips onto the computer and to cut them as we wished. It also allowed us to import our own music that we had made using the technology of FL studio. The software was fairly easy to use and provided us with some great transitions such as fade to black cross blur etc it also provided us with non diagetic sounds that we added in, such as the sound of rain. We were able to change specific sounds in clips for example making one clip slightly quieter in order to hear the soundtrack or we could fade sounds into upcoming clips to prevent sound being heard where not wanted.
I believe all the media technologies i used were vital to make my ancillary tasks realistic and to create our documentary to the best it could have been with all the appropriate editing and sounds.

    Sunday 29 April 2012

    Double Page Spread

    This is my double page spread that i created using Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Publisher.

    Planning - Double Page Spread

     I started off with this first plan but came to the conclusion that it was too simple and did not resemble a real magazine, therefore i decided on my new design below.

    Final Poster

    I decided to use my second idea which only used an image of two of the main characters in the series, i believed this was better than including too many people as it is more simple and does not give much away but tells the audience that these are the main pupils focused on. I decided to have the image in front of the school lockers which shows viewers that the documentary is filmed within the school. I used dark lettering on a white background as channel 4 usually does this as it enables it to stand out. I also included the channel 4 sign in a bold red colour to make it easier to see.

    Planning - Poster

    Planning - Shooting Schedule

    Planning - Scripts

    Planning - Story Board

    Documentary Ideas

    Expositary Documentary - Drugs
    To begin with we decided on developing an expositary documentary informing the audience of the affects of harmful drugs such as cocaine, we were going to use various techniques such as a  montages of images of previous celebrities who have been caught and affected badly by the drug. We were also going to create 'reconstructions' of bad situations people had got themselves in, in order to shock audiences showing them how harmful the drug can be followed by interviews. We researched statistics to make sure the documentary would be informative however we decided against the idea as we came up with a better more convenient documentary which could be filmed within school.

    Final Idea - Teaching Teens - Fly on the wall documentary
    Finally we decided to do 'Teaching Teens' we came to the conclusion that this was the best idea as we will able to use real teachers and real classrooms which will help us to make it seem more realistic, it would also be more convenient as we did not have to go somewhere else allowing us to use our media lessons efficiently to film during them, this would also make it easier for our actor Bradley Coe. Educating Essex was our inspiration for this.

    Monday 23 April 2012


    In order to make our documentary Teaching Teens we needed to have good communication as there was four of us in the group. Each of us owned an Apple Iphone or Android phone which enabled us to get in contact quickly and speak in group conversations, we did this by using an application called Whatsapp. The image on the right shows a screenshot of one of our group conversations arranging a time to film.

    Sunday 22 April 2012

    Teaching Teens - Theme Tune

    For our documentary we decided on creating a theme tune which would be played at the beginning and end of each episode, we used FL Studio in order to do this. Click the link in order to listen to it. Teaching Teens Theme Tune


    We set up this questionnaire to get the opinions of what our target audiences like to see in documentaries and if our documentary 'Teaching Teens' would interest them.

    1. What is your favourite type of documentary?
    Fly on the wall

    2. Do you watch documentaries often?
    Yes- Lots
    Yes- Sometimes
    Yes- Rarely
    No- Never

    3. What channel would you normally associate with documentaries that you like?
    Channel 4

    4. What is you favourite ever TV documentary?

    5. What is your favourite TV documentary currently being shown? (N/A if none)

    6. What do you look for in a documentary that you would watch?

    7. Would you be interested in a fly on the wall documentary based in a secondary school?

    8. What channel would you expect to see this documentary on?
    Channel 4


    In total we handed out 20 questionnaires, 10 to females and 10 to males. From the questionnaire, we concluded that our target audience are most interested in Fly on the wall and Reality type documentaries, usually shown on Channel 4. We used this information and decided that it would be appropriate to show the documentary we have produced on Channel 4. The type of documentary we decided to produce is fly on the wall but because we found our target audience also like reality documentaries we also tried to incorporate this into what we produced. Many participants said they enjoyed watching 'Educating Essex' so we thought it would be a good idea to produce a similar documentary to this because it seems that it is something that interests our target audience. We got a mixed response from an equal group of females and males, from all differant age ranges. We discovered that people of all ages and genders would be interested in a School based documentary, however more so females then males. We found this discovery very useful because we thought Teaching Teens would therefor satisfy everyone. 

    Saturday 21 April 2012

    Poster Research

    As anticipated our documentary Teaching Teens to be aired on channel 4 i researched some channel 4  advertisement posters to see what they consisted of.

    The poster on the left includes one dominant image, the image relates to the tag line but does not give much away, the only character in the image is turned away making it seem quite mysterious.The tagline is positioned at the top of the poster and is very large, they have used black coloured text over a white background enabling it to stand out. The title is at the bottom left of the image and is again black against white, underneath this, but slightly smaller says when the programme is on and at what time. They have also included a channel 4 sign along with their sponsor.

    The poster below also consists of one main image including three of the characters, it is clear to see that the man in the middle is the main character  as he is positioned higher than the two in the foreground. The rest of the image conveys to the audience where and what the programme is going to be like, with the graffiti on the wall and stereo typical council estate flats, this gives the impression that the programme could be to do with crime. The title is positioned in the bottom left, the text is white against a black background making it stand out and easy to read. Just below slightly smaller states how long the drama is on for and the date and time which is also white against black. The channel four logo is also included along with the sponsor.

    Poster Ideas

    This poster advertising 'White Chapel' does not give much away at all. The shadow of of two men and one holding a gun shows the nature of the programme making it seem mysterious but potential viewers are unaware of the main characters or what they look like, this could have been done in order to tempt viewers into watching to find out what the show will entail.

    The TV channel itv1 is displayed clearly along with the title, date and time. This poster also includes a tag line 'The Krays Return' making it more interesting. All of the lettering is white against the black background making it easy to see and read.

    Although this is a good advertisement poster this type of image would not be suitable for our documentary Teaching Teens as the nature of the programme is completely different, it is not mysterious in any way.
    Poster Ideas

    This poster advertising 'The Event' is very simple yet effective, it shows all the main characters but emphasizes one man by placing him at the front which shows that this is an important, main person in the documentary. The fact that there is a bright light in the background makes it seem as though this documentary could be super natural. It includes the channel 4 sign clearly so potential viewers are aware where to watch it.
    The title, time and day is bold, it is extremely simple but catches the eye as a dark colour is put over white.

    The Undateables

    The Undateables is a three-part British documentary series about people with disabilities attempting the find love. It is shown on Channel 4 and is narrated by Sally Phillips. The series focuses on a few main characters each episode who have signed up to a dating agency in order to find a partner.

    Sally Philllips (Narrator) begins by introducing the show and explaining what it is about it, whilst showing all the people involved in the whole series to give the audience a better understanding of the programme, after this it follows only few characters. For example Episode 3 is focused on  24-year-old Hadyn who has Crouzon Syndrome  He has undergone 40 facial operations and is partially deaf. His twin brother and a dating agency hope to help Haydn find a girlfriend and Sam from Kent who has Down's Syndrome.The 27-year-old has appeared in The Inbetweeners and EastEnders and has a supportive family life, but feels there is something missing, a girl. It begins by filming Sam in his natural environment at home whilst asking him questions in order for the audience to get an insight into his personality. It then shows what he does from day to day, for example meeting up with friends, showing how he interacts with them. This is done mainly by using a series of shot reverse shots, over the shoulder shots and close ups. It then changes to Haydn, again showing him in his natural environment and using older images of him when he was younger to show the impact of what he has been through since a child and just what he could have looked like due to having a twin brother. 

    Overall the documentary consists of very simple editing to make it seem more natural and not staged, i believe that they do this very well and after the programme i felt like i knew a lot about each person and why they may have not been so successful with dating.

    Monday 27 February 2012

    Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

    Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is a British observational documentary produced by Fire Cracker Films for Channel 4. The documentary is a series looking at the world of gypsies and Irish travellers in Britain's society today. It shows how ancient traditions have met modern fashions in an ostentatious culture clash in the world of 21st-century gypsy and traveller weddings.

    Throughout the documentary there is a narrator, explaining what is happening and who the audience is watching. Short interviews are carried out but whilst they are in their natural environment, for example (Episode 1 Part 2) a 13 year old boy is questioned whilst getting his hair done at the hair dressers, although we can hear him being questioned it still looks natural because of this. Basic editing techniques are used through out making also making the documentary seem more natural.

    A series of non diagetic sound is played which is almost fantasy like, which may portray that they are living in another world. They all most certainly stand out with the girls who parade into church in enormous dresses that sometimes weigh more than the bride herself.


    Michael Moore – Bowling for Columbine

    Michael Moore produced the documentary ‘Bowling for Columbine’ in order to try and reveal why the tragic Columbine High School massacre took place in the first place and why other acts of violence and gun crime occur so much in America. The style of documentary used in this case was expository as it is an informative, educating piece but also interactive as Michael Moore interacts with people in the film as well. By being proactive in the documentary he is able to get more involved and actually try to make a difference, a good example of this is when him and two surviving students from the Columbine High School massacre go to a largely known supermarket ‘Kmart’ complaining about the sale of ammunition, eventually ending in the supermarket agreeing to no longer sell them anymore; a very good achievement. He is also able to show viewers that in Michigan he is able to sign up to join a bank to receive a free gun! Showing just how easy it really is to own a gun in the USA.

    Michael Moore uses the stereotypical view of black men in his documentary but challenges this by showing different viewpoints. Michael Moore is operating in the interests of the Columbine victims, we are able to see this because the whole documentary is based on finding out what the cause of gun crime is due to the occurrence of the Columbine shootings.

    Michael Moore uses editing in this documentary to create meaning. He does this by using fast edits, such as the fast edits of previous news channels talking about different acts of violence and gun crime in America, this implies the chaos and also shows the extent oh how many shootings are occurring which Michael Moore is trying to portray as too many. He also uses a montage of clips of CCTV from the Columbine High School massacre itself with a voice over of the many calls received by police from parents and even teachers inside the school fearing for their life, this shows the intensity of the shootings, the audience is almost brought into it feeling a sense of fear as well. Michael Moore even uses animation in this documentary to show where the start of gun crime began in a strangely humorous way; he is even able to show the start of racism in this brief animation.

    The narrative does not simplify the complex issue of why gun crime is occurring so much in the USA. It may even open up different views that people had never thought of before, making it much more complex in fact! Michael Moore shows that the sales of ammunition in the barbers to the songs of Marilyn Manson being the cause of the Columbine Shootings two very different view points yet all brought into one documentary.

    The end of the documentary does give a false sense of closure as he leaves the little girls picture on the grounds of ?????’s house, showing he has made a point but does not show a clear reason for why these shocking events have happened in the United States, but has just shown the different opinions of why, leaving viewers still questioning the same thing at the end of the film; Why did the Columbine High School massacre happen? What made Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris commit the horrific crime?

    The Boys Who Killed Stephen Lawrence

     The Boys Who Killed Stephen Lawrence is a documentary that was broadcasted on BBC 1 in July 2006. The documentary informs us about the murder of Stephen Lawrence and the suspected killers Gary Dobson, 36, and David Norris, 35, Neil Acourt, 27 and Jamie Acourt. It is an expositary and interactive documentary as it educates and informs the audience, whilst the film maker Mark Daly is also involved throughout.

    The documentary consists of many techniques in order to put the case across to the audience. It includes secretive surveillance footage of the suspects which display them fooling around with knifes which gives the audience a bad first impression of them. Interviews are carried out throughout the documentary including individuals such as police officers, friends and Duwayne Brooks, Stephen Lawrence's friend and witness of the murder. whilst Duwayne is explaining the night in question in his own words, reconstruction footage is played with the use of similar looking actors. After the reconstruction of his murder, real crime scene photos are displayed followed by real images of Stephens dead body focusing on his wounds, this conveys the true reality and horror of the crime to the audience. Real police interviews questioning Jamie Acourt and Neil Acourt are used during this images of the weapons used are shown. Maps are used when explaining the suspected whereabouts of each individual on that night to clearly demonstrate this to the viewers. Mark Daly includes past interviews of the suspects on television which effectively shows inconsistency in their statements of where they actually where on the night Stephen Lawrence was murdered. Past documents are also shown stating previous statements made which proves that all of there stories are inconsistent.

    Overall it is clear to see that the use of each of these techniques and the way Mark Daly portrays them makes the audience believe that his views are correct, after watching this documentary it made me believe that either Gary Dobson, David Norris , Neil Acourt or Jamie Acourt murdered Stephen Lawrence that night.


    Friday 24 February 2012

    Educating Essex

    Educating Essex is a fly on the wall documentary as it records teachers and students in their natural environment over a period of time. The documentary focuses on Passmores Academy secondary school in Harlow, Essex. The show follows a group of GCSE students and there teachers, during the crucial year of there education. The school was fitted with 65 fixed cameras, from the corridors to the canteen, and from the headteacher's office to the detention hall. Recording with the fixed cameras lasted for seven weeks which was then edited down into a seven part series.

    Episode one starts off with diagetic sound of the school bell followed by  a high angle shot giving the audience a general overview of the students and setting. A mid shot is used to show a teacher telling off students regarding their uniform, as he is the first member of staff we see it conveys to the audience that this could be a main important character within the documentary. A narrator is also present throughout the documentary when necessary. A brief long shot of the school field is used to display to the audience the setting again before a jump cut to a student and teacher, it is very fast paced at the beginning allowing the audience to see more in a short space of time. 

    Most of the editing seems to be very basic to make the show as natural as possible, many interviews are filmed of students and teachers which allows the audience to see how each individual feels and sees each situation through out each episode. 

    All of the techniques used all contribute to making the documentary as realistic as possible rather than staged, i believe that this has been done well.

    Thursday 23 February 2012

    Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

    Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents  is a fly on the wall documentary aired on BBC3. It follows teenagers going on their first holiday abroad under the belief that they are getting away from their parents but they are yet to find out that their parents are actually going to the same destination and watching footage of them partying and spying on them throughout the whole duration of their holiday.

    I watched an episode from series 1 on iPlayer, this episode was based in Kavos focusing on two main girls in the group Beckie and Chelsea. The programme begins by showing random clips of other episodes showing the nightlife and how hectic it can be on a teenage holiday. A voice over is present through this and introduces the programme. The main girls are then introduced by cutting to short clips of them talking to the camera which then cuts back to shots of the nightlife. I noticed a slow motion editing technique was inserted just as the parents were introduced by the voice over along with a sheriff/cowboy type non diagetic sound, indicating that they are in charge and had control. They also uncluded a split screen effect to enable the audience to see what the teens and parents are doing at the same time. The voice over is present through out the whole programme and introduces the girls in more detail, mid shots of the girls talking to the camera before they have left for Kavos along with shots of them with their parents at home allow the audience to get to know the girls and parents more and see what their relationship is like. After this there are mid shots of the parents speaking to the camera, text appears at the bottom stating their name and whose parent they are to make it clear to viewers. The voice over then introduces the rest of the group and names are shown at the bottom of the screen again so the audience does not get confused. When they arrive to Kavos and enter their hotel room non diagetic sound of party music is played which helps to set the scene. Throughout the documentary mainly jump cuts are used.

    I personally believe this is an interesting documentary to watch for both teenagers and parents, the documentary is set out well and informs the audience of what is going on at all times which i think is good and would be good to incorporate into the documentary we decide to create.

    Supersize vs Superskinny

     Supersize vs Superskinny  is an expository documentary series in  in which two extreme eaters one very overweight and the other severely underweight swap diets in an attempt to change the way they view food and eating. The two candidates are paired together and brought to a feeding clinic, and live together for five days, swapping diets all supervised by Dr Christian Jessen. A narrator is present throughout most of the show explaining what is happening and going on. Dr Christian Jessen is very much involved in all goings on, he plays a part by interviewing the candidates and advising them on how they should be eating in order to maintain a healthy life style. A series of different camera angles and zooms are used to show the over or under wieght bodies of each candidates. I found that there were many close up on each of the candidates faces whilst eating the opposed diets this shows viewers how they are feeling.                  

    Wednesday 22 February 2012

    9/11 The Lost Tapes

    9/11 The Lost Tapes is an expository documentary revealing to the British audiences newly released audio recordings offering a unique insight and moving perspective on 9/11 and the fateful minutes that changed America forever.
    The documentary begins with an establishing shot of the twin towers before the tragic incident, this then cuts to a long shot of New York including a flying plane, a voice over is also present to introduce it. Right after this archive footage of real recordings of the twin towers burning is shown. Non diagetic sound of panicked people talking is heard on top of this as the camera jumps from different shots of people on phones, large satellite dishes etc. Reconstructed footage of services answering phones is shown along with the non diagetic sound of scared people again. There is a mid shot of a man talking to the camera which is then cut to shots of fighter planes. After this there is a shot of another man but a close up which shows more emotion, during this non diagetic powerful on edge music is played when the shot changes to the twin towers falling the the ground this music fades out. Much of the rest of the documentary consists of mid shots and close ups of interviews, a voice over to explain goings on, reconstructions and real audio from the devastating day the world trade center was destroyed. In my opinion this documentary is more suited to older people, but it is extremely interesting and informative.